Bovine Colostrum, 500 mg/60 Capsules, 60% Immunoglobulins


Most potent Colostrum Available – recently upgraded to 60% Immunoglobulins!

a potent source of growth and immuno-factors from mother’s first milk. 

Quantity 1-3 4-11 12-23
Price Each $19 $18 $16
Your Savings 5% 11%



Growth hormone and growth hormone releasers have recently achieved a great deal of worldwide popularity. They have anti-aging effects, wound healing effects, they support the immune system and build muscle mass. Radio, television, and print ads appear virtually everywhere expounding upon the amazing benefits of replenishing the body with human growth hormone. However, there exists a product that not only contains growth hormone plus a wide range of other significant growth factors at a much more affordable price, but also contains a wide range of potent immune factors as well. The product is Alpha Factor Bovine Colostrum.

Now upgraded from 40 % to 60% Immunoglobulins! Highest Grade Available!

What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is natures perfect first food. The pre-milk substance produced from the mother’s breasts of all mammals during the first 24-48 hours of lactation, Colostrum supplies immune and growth factors plus a perfect combination of vitamins and minerals to insure the health, vitality and growth of the newborn. Colostrum triggers at least fifty processes in the newborn, including transferring all the immune factors and the entire memory from the mother’s own immune system. Medical Research has shown that the most important immune and growth factors for humans can be provided from bovine colostrum. It is biologically transferable to all mammals including man and is much higher in immune factors than human mother’s colostrum. Laboratory analyses of both immune and growth factors from bovine colostrum indicate that they are identical to those found in human colostrum except for the fact that the levels of these factors are significantly higher in the bovine version. Bovine colostrum is actually 40 times richer in immune factors than human colostrum. For example, human colostrum contains 2% of IgG (immuno-globulin G) while cow colostrum contains 86% of IgG, the most important of the immuno-globulins found in the body. Doctors also discovered that cows’ colostrum contains special glycoproteins that are extremely effective at protecting the immune and growth factors in colostrum from destruction by adult human digestive enzymes.

Why do we need Colostrum as adults?

Experience has shown that nature knows best in many cases of healing. But as we age, we notice it takes us a little longer to fight off a cold or flu, we become more vulnerable to disease, our energy and enthusiasm lessen, our skin loses its elasticity, we gain unwanted weight and lose muscle tone. This is because after maturity, we gradually lose the natural immune and growth factors in our body…Aging, illness and death occur with the loss of immune and growth factors in our bodies. Medical science has shown in hundreds of published reports worldwide that these can  be replaced in the human body with bovine colostrum… Dr. Olle Hernell, At the University of Ulmea, Sweden; Science

The past 20 years has witnessed the publication of over 2000 research papers strongly supportive of both colostrum and its numerous components. As one prestigious research institute stated… “Bovine colostrum offers tremendous possibilities for providing unparalleled support for the immune system that may be the deciding factor in the bodies war against illness.”

Colostrum has antioxidant properties, natural anti-inflammatory properties and is a source of many vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, helps the body ward off foreign invaders, accelerates healing of all body tissue, increases bone and lean muscle mass and replenishes an aging system.

The body’s growth factors are capable of increasing T-cell production, accelerating healing, balancing blood glucose, reducing insulin need, increasing growth and repair of vital tissues while metabolizing fat for fuel. Further, by stimulating DNA formation it has been shown that they can help stimulate normal cell and tissue growth, regeneration, and accelerated repair of aged or injured muscle, skin collagen, bone, cartilage, nerve tissues, heart muscle and new blood vessels for collateral coronary circulation. These growth factors facilitate the healing of tissues damaged by ulcers, trauma, burns, surgery or inflammatory disease as well as the synthesis and repair of DNA – the master code of the cell.”

Supplementation of colostrum enhances the efficiency of amino acid and carbohydrate fuel uptake by the intestine. More nutrients are made available for muscle cells and other vital tissues and organs. One of the reasons for the energy boost seen in most healthy individuals who use colostrum as a food supplement is this ability of colostrum to improve nutrient availability… “Colostrum stimulates the lymphoid tissue providing benefits in aged or immuno-deficient people”….Drs. Bocci, Bremen, Corradeschi, Luzzi and Paulesu; Journal Biology.

“Researchers reported that colostrum stimulates maturation of B Lymphocytes (type of white blood cell) and primes them for production of antibodies, enhances growth and differentiation of white blood cells. Similar activity in cow and human colostrum can also activate Macrophages” …Dr. M. Julius, McGill University, Montreal: Science News

“Bovine colostrum contains high levels of growth factors that promote normal cell growth and DNA synthesis” …Drs. Oda, Shinnichi, et. al.; Comparative Biochemical Physiology.

“Drs. suggest that an important role for growth factors is in promoting wound healing. Accelerated healing is possible for treatment with trauma and surgical wounds” …Drs. Bhora, et. al.; Journal. Surg. Re


Major Components of Colostrum


The most important components of colostrum can basically be broken down into two major categories: growth factors and immune system factors

Growth Factors: 

  • Growth Hormone (GH),
  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I And II (IGF-1 And IGF-II)
  • Epithelial Growth Factor (EgF)
  • Fibroblast Growth Factor (FgF)
  • Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)
  • Transforming Growth Factors A & B (TgA And B) 

     Learn more about the Growth Factors in Colostrum…

Immune Factors:

  • Immunoglobulins (A,D,E,G &M;)
  • Gamma Globulin
  • Cytokines: Interleukins 1,6,10;Interferon G;lymphokines
  • Leukocytes
  • Lymphokines
  • Lactoferin
  • Proline-Rich-Polypeptides (PRP)
  • Protease Inhibitors
  • Trypsin Inhibitors
  • Antibodies
  • Glycoproteins
  • Lactobacillus Bifidus Acidophilus
  • Oligo Polysaccharides
  • Glycoconjugates
  • Orotic Acid
  • secretory IgA, IgA specific helper
  • B Lactoglobulin
  • Lactalbumin
  • Albumin
  • Prealbumin
  • Alpha 1-Antitripsin
  • Alpha 1-Fetoprotein
  • Alpha 2-Macroglobulin
  • Alpha 2- AP Glycoprotein
  • C3 & C4 Orosomucoids
  • Lyozyme
  • Lactoperoxidase
  • Thiocyanate
  • Peroxidase
  • Xanthine Oxidase
  • Vitamins and Minerals

Colostrum is not a supplement… it is the whole food for the newborn… in addition to growth and immune factors, Colostrum’s combination of vitamins and minerals are naturally occurring and in perfect combination. Vitamins – A, B12 and E are found in small amounts while traces of all others are also present in colostrum, including sulfur: a mineral with multiple uses in metabolism and as part of many structural body proteins.

Learn More about the Immune Factors in Colostrum.

Dietary Supplement Use Only! This product is not intended to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.PHA FACTOR BOVINE COLOSTRU

Role of Antioxidants against Viruses,- Bacteria-and-Germ-Warfare-

Additional information

Weight 0.138 lbs
Dimensions 3.75 × 2 × 1 in

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