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One is not required to follow any special diet when taking Cantron. Many people do well without taking additional supplements or changing their diet or their lifestyle.

However, that following these important recommendations will enhance your chances of experiencing ‘Total Wellness.’ Our ‘Total Wellness Program’ recommends many powerful nutrients, including the most potent of all – The Cantron Antioxidant and Bioelectrical Wellness Formula.

It is important to understand that all dietary supplement programs work even better when augmented by healthy, live foods that are rich in identical and complementary nutrients. Therefore, the following diet and lifestyle changes may greatly enhance the ‘Cantron Wellness Program’ and work to improve your health condition- even with serious health challenges. Additional supplements that are not listed in our program are also mentioned in this section.

*Foods and supplements high in nitrilosides such as vitamin B-17 (also known as Amagymaldin or Laetrile) are very beneficial. Apricot seeds are very high in this substance (chew 4 seeds every waking hour) as are lima Beans (steam them), bean sprouts, lentils, chickpeas, barley, wheat grass (and other grasses), bitter almonds and millet. Apple, peach, cherry, orange, plum and nectarine seeds also contain B-17.

*Consume fresh vegetables especially cabbage, broccoli, carrots, asparagus, yams, tomatoes, okra, yellow squash, celery, Brussel Sprouts, cauliflower, turnips, kale, watercress, radishes and spinach. Eat them raw or steamed or consume in extracted powder concentrates. Do not steam the vegetables for more than 3 minutes to preserve the enzymes. Concentrated supplements of these foods can and should be obtained. These products contain many phytochemicals which are valuable to this program.

*Broccoli contains a valuable phytochemical, sulforaphane, that reaches the cells, and activates a group of enzymes that whisk dangerous toxins out before they can cause any harm. The herb cilantro also helps the body to remove dangerous toxins.

*Brussel sprouts, kale, radishes, broccoli, watercress, cauliflower and cabbage contain Indoles which help excrete harmful toxins.

*Cabbage and turnips contain a chemical phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) which protects against many harmful chemicals.

*Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, and cauliflower contain a valuable chemical D-glucaric acid -a naturally occurring substance that is produced by our body, in small amounts, and aids our body’s detoxification of environmental toxins, hormones (like estrogen), cancer causing agents, and metabolic waste generated within the body.

*Dr. Willard’s Water helps circulation, reduces stress, increases nutrient assimilation, helps remove toxins, and unclogs lymph nodes.

*Toxins in our body can accumulate in the subcutaneous fat layer under our skin and in the liver. Therefore, it is important to detoxify the liver. One of the best methods to achieve this is by coffee enemas. Coffee enemas reach the liver via the intestines and stimulate the liver to release the toxins it has been storing into the digestive tract, to be excreted out of the body. It must be regular coffee, and preferably organic coffee. It would be wise to do some regular enemas with acidophilus once a day for 3 days prior to the coffee enema. This way the intestines are somewhat cleared so when the liver releases its toxins they are excreted and not reabsorbed into the bloodstream. A french 21 tube which can be purchased at a medical/surgical supply store will get the enema higher into the digestive tract.

*Colon irrigations performed by licensed practitioners can rid the body of years of putrefied waste matter.

*Drink fresh vegetable juices, including but not limited to celery, beets, parsley, cabbage and carrots in any combination that you like. Fresh wheat grass juice, barley juice, Spirulina, Chlorella and other greens contain concentrated amounts of chlorophyll which helps build red blood cells and hemoglobin. These foods are also excellent blood and liver purifiers and should be consumed fresh. They also contain large amounts of B12, calcium, iron, vitamin C plus many minerals and enzymes.

*Drink fresh purple or red grape juice. It contains many quinones, bioflavonoids and antioxidant factors similar to many of the products in our ‘Cantron Total Wellness Program.’ Paul Harvey- while alive- advertised purple grape juice as a perfect pure food that is effective in fighting cancer, heart disease, colds and flus. If you have a juicer, make the grape juice fresh and use the red or purple grapes that have seeds. Drink small amounts of orange juice (fresh squeezed with the orange peel included or commercial products containing the pulp are recommended for their bioflavonoid contents) and fresh apple juice for its magnesium content. Pomegranate, Wolfberry, Blueberry, Prune, Black Currant and Dark cherry juice contains high levels of antioxidant protection.

*Tomatoes contain large amounts of the beneficial nutrients’ lycopene, P-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid. In fact, tomatoes are known to contain an estimated 10,000 phytochemicals.

*Whole grains, beans, lentils, citrus fruits, and nuts contain the beneficial B vitamin, Inositol.

*Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are high in PABA as is liver, kidney, molasses, mushrooms and whole grains.

*Okra lubricates the intestinal tract.

*Mushrooms contain large amounts of the nucleotides (RNA and DNA), PABA and Germanium-132. Shitake, zhu ling, enoki, reishi and maitake mushrooms are of particular value. They contain Germanium-132 and many other nutrients that may help stimulate natural killer cells.

* Eat fish which is high in Omega-3 such as:

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Atlantic mackerel.
  • Cod
  • Herring
  • Lake trout
  • Tuna

* Fish is also a rich source of nucleic acids (RNA & DNA). Fish provides 1.5–8 grams of nucleic acid per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). It is also a good source of protein, vitamin D, and iodine. It is best to take fruit juices in the morning and vegetable juices in the afternoon.

*Eat abundant quantities of berries such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, boysenberries and strawberries. Fresh berry smoothies are delicious and nutritious. Berries contain ellagic acid, catechol and a wide scope of flavonoids, including many quinones. Berries protect DNA from damage and mutation.

*Cherries contain anthocyanins which are powerful antioxidants.

*Eat bananas for their potassium content and pineapple and papaya for their enzyme’s bromelain and papain. Avoid bananas if you are on Hydrazine Sulfate.

*Eat lots of fiber and whole grains. Prunes are high in fiber and are excellent antioxidants as well. Avoid white bread. Eat fresh multi-grain breads instead.

*Seeds such as sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are complete foods and contain large amounts of RNA, DNA and essential fatty acids.

*The herb rosemary is a powerful antioxidant and blocks harmful effects of toxins. Parsley contains a substance that prevents the multiplication of tumor cells. Garlic contains large amounts of Germanium-132 and contains other valuable chemicals – alliin and ally sulfide. It is a natural antibiotic and helps maintain normal blood pressure. Crush it and let it rest for 10 minutes before use to raise the levels of the active ingredients.

*In addition to Green Tea extract supplements, drink hot green tea (do not select the decaffeinated preparations), and Gotu Kola (for tranquility and circulation).

*Onions are a great source of calcium.

*Legumes such as lentils, red beans and chickpeas should be consumed.

*Avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils such as Crisco and most margarines. Butter and cold processed vegetable oils are better.

*Olive Oil is the oil of choice. It contains large amounts of Squalene, oleic acid and other beneficial compounds. Cold processed sesame and safflower oils are also fine.

*Emu oil, flaxseed oil, borage oil, fish oils, grape seed oil omega-3 oils and omega-6 are good sources of essential fatty acids

*Reduce consumption of deep fried foods. Heated oils are the leading component of free radicals. If you must deep fry your food, use olive oil or grape seed oil and cook for a longer time at a lower heat in order to diminish breakdown of the oil. Most oils break down at 400%. Olive oil breaks down at 450% and grape seed oil at 485%.

*Consume the nutrient Lecithin to help emulsify fats in the system, especially if consuming large amounts of butter, eggs, or high cholesterol foods. Note: eggs contain large amounts of lecithin, but supplementing with extra lecithin can be beneficial.

*Consume moderate to low amounts of complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Avoid white flour and refined sugars (glucose) from any source. Fruit sugar (fructose) is much better; however, moderation is advised.

*Consume natural sweeteners such as Monk Fruit, and White Stevia. They are excellent alternatives to glucose or artificial sweeteners. These natural ingredients are 300 times sweeter than sugar. They have no calories and are beneficial to one’s health as well.

*A couple of glasses per day of wine or beer are fine. Note: alcohol must be avoided if on Hydrazine Sulfate.

*Avoid tobacco, all junk foods and limit fast foods.

*Saw Palmetto Berries can help maintain a healthy prostate.

*Colloidal Silver and Dr. Lamar’s aerobic 07 (bioxygen) helps destroy microbes, bacteria, parasites, and viruses

*Frozen or canned foods lose a great deal of their vitamin contents. Consume fresh, live foods whenever possible.

*Avoid foods that contain preservatives, additives, or food coloring.

* Don’t overcook your food which can destroy valuable nutrients. Don’t use aluminum pots and pans, utensils, or non-stick coated cooking surfaces such as Teflon. Use stainless steel or cast iron instead.

*Keep the bowels active by eating figs, prunes, raisins, nectarines, or a vegetable laxative.

*A high protein diet is necessary to help rebuild the body and to grow new healthy cells. Protein supplementation can help prevent rapid weight loss and wasting away in individuals with terminal conditions.

*Whey powder or whole leaf Aloe Vera Juice are other foods that contain pro -xeronine factors such as Noni Fruit. Aloe also contains Germanium-132 and a wide range of enzymes, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids mucopolysaccharides and other phytochemicals. Aloe is the perfect conduit to carry nutrients into the system and on its own, penetrates deep layers of tissue, promotes circulation, cellular and blood vessel regeneration, immune function, turns on the functioning of all the body’s organs and helps the digestive tract. Whey protein helps build lean muscle mass and protects against muscle wasting in terminally ill patients.

*Alpha Lipoic Acid is a supplement that aids liver function and helps manufacture Glutathione. Lemon juice also aids liver function.

*Edema is caused in part by a deficiency of protein/amino acids in the body, especially albumin which is found in great abundance in egg whites.

*In addition to curtailing edema, protein/amino acid supplementation has an anabolic effect upon the entire system including the muscles and the liver. In animal studies, damaged livers regenerated much faster than animals which were not given protein supplementation.

*Glutamine is an amino acid which helps the assimilation of other proteins, therefore should be added.

*Arginine and Ornithine are growth hormone releasers which can be very effective as an adjunct to the Cantron Total Wellness Program.

*D,L Phenylalanine is an amino acid that might have a mild pain modulating effect.

*Methionine is an amino acid which is synergistic with our G-H3 (Gerovital H3) formulation. It helps build body tissue and helps remove fat from the liver.

*In addition to N-Acetylcysteine capsules, additional Cysteine can be taken in protein powder supplements.

*Lysine helps build antibodies to fight foreign invaders.

*If you choose a vegetarian diet it would be important to supplement the diet with essential amino acids.

*If you are a strict vegetarian, you can substitute a vegetarian blend of enzymes that includes high levels of the papaya enzyme – papain (500-1,000 mg) and Bromelain. Megazyme Forte contains enzymes from animal sources. Bovine Colostrum, and Shark Liver Oil are also animal products.

*If you choose to eat meat, limit it to lean chicken, turkey and fresh fish and lamb if you wish to rehabilitate your liver.

*Do not use anti-perspirants which prevents the elimination of toxins. Deodorants are fine.

*Exercise to stimulate the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. This oxygenates the system and carries off waste products such as uric acid and lactic acid. Sauna baths are effective as well for detoxification.

*Toxins in our body can accumulate in the subcutaneous fat layer under our skin and in the liver. Therefore, it is important to detoxify the liver. One of the best methods to achieve this is by coffee enemas. Coffee enemas reach the liver via the intestines and stimulate the liver to release the toxins it has been storing into the digestive tract, to be excreted out of the body. It must be regular coffee, and preferably organic coffee. It would be wise to do some regular enemas with acidophilus once a day for 3 days prior to the coffee enema. This way the intestines are somewhat cleared so when the liver releases its toxins they are excreted and not reabsorbed into the bloodstream. A french 21 tube which can be purchased at a medical/surgical supply store will get the enema higher into the digestive tract.

*Colon irrigations performed by licensed practitioners can rid the body of years of putrefied waste matter.

*Take relaxing baths in Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) and other minerals such as calcium, potassium or lithium.

*Bathe in the sun to supplement the body with vitamin D unless you have skin cancer or any other diseases which sun should be avoided.

*Avoid stress, listen to relaxing music and think positive thoughts. Self-hypnosis or subliminal healing tapes are helpful in this end. State of mind is a very important part in any Wellness program. “What the mind can cause, the mind can cure.”

You have now been provided with information on the best Wellness Program and Wellness diet ever created. Please use this information wisely. Wishing you great health, happiness, and longevity,


Jerome Godin,

president / founder Medical Research Products.