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Message to Physicians Regarding Cantron

Message to Physicians about Cantron     

Message to Physicians about our Cantron® Antioxidant Formula. Many patients ask their physicians if they can take our product Cantron along with their prescribed medications. Since Cantron is not a drug, you will not find it in The Merck Manual or any other medical reference book. Therefore, we are supplying some general information in order that you may properly advise your patient. The main ingredients are a synthesized blend of organic compounds that exist in nature. They are flavonoid compounds more specifically from the subcategory of quinones, hydroxyquinones, catechins, and various mineral salts. Cantron is non – toxic.  It has been administered as a dietary supplement for over 40 years. There are no adverse side effects and is not contraindicated with any drugs you may  prescribe. LD50 studies show that Cantron is 20 times less toxic than a simple aspirin.Cantron is the world’s most powerful antioxidant and therefore it may be of benefit in your treatment protocol. Because of its effect on natural healing processes, many physicians are now administering Cantron as a nutritional regimen or referring their patients directly to us. If you would like more information about the health benefits of Cantron, please read more about it on our website or feel free to call our office or e-mail.


Can Cantron be taken during chemotherapy and radiation? Recent studies show that antioxidants prevent many of the side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiation including free radical damage, immune system damage and physical side effects. Furthermore, studies have shown that patients taking heavy antioxidant doses are better able to tolerate chemotherapy and more likely to be able to complete their treatment protocol than patients that are not on an antioxidant regimen.


Our company is registered with the FDA and the Florida Department of Agriculture as a Dietary Supplement Manufacturer . We utilize stringent Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the manufacture of this product as well as all of our other products.

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