Two articles in the Spotlight magazine in the early 1980’s brought a lot of popularity and national attention to this wondrous herbal preparation. Lapacho is an amazing extract from the inner bark of the Lapacho tree which grows in the warmer parts of South America, mainly the amazon jungles of Brazil and the mountainous regions of northern Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. In Brazil they call it the divine tree because of the health benefits it is known to give to the native people. The Guarani, Tupi and other tribes called the Lapacho tree “Tajy,” meaning “to have strength and vigor.” Lapacho is an oziniferous tree. It grows where there is an abundance of ozone. Ozone air is fresh and pure and free from pollution, smog, exhaust, smoke and pesticides. |
A Natural Herbal Wonder
Herbs are miraculous foods. Throughout the width and breadth of the earth there exist plants with amazing abilities. They grow and blossom and concentrate valuable healing nutrients within their tissues. There is widespread use of herbal remedies in the folklore of tribal populations and many civilized countries as well. Even the Bible recommends the use of herbs for their healing properties. |
These nutritionally potent substances contain unique ratios of minerals, vitamins, and salts that naturally supports the body’s immune system, strengthens tissues, and improves the nervous system. Lapacho may be the most wondrous herb in all of nature. Through its inimitable nutritional composition, which is governed by principles in nature, Lapacho naturally possesses mild anti-malarial, antibiotic, antiviral, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant, and sedative effects. Note: this information is only intended to be used for a discussion on the nutritional properties of Lapacho. It is not a recommendation to use Lapacho in the treatment of these classes of diseases. Do not replace FDA approved drugs which are indicated in the treatment of these diseases.
This wonderous herb has a regulatory action upon digestive functions, bolsters pancreatic function, stimulates appetite, and acts as a general tonic. Upon spreading throughout the body, it revitalizes it by creating new vital elements and new normal cells. It gives the body greater vitality by strengthening its organic defenses. As a blood tonic, Lapacho contributes to the proper assimilation of nutrients and elimination of wastes, thereby facilitating the orderly multiplication of cells.
Part of the effectiveness of Lapacho may stem from its observed ability to stimulate the production of red blood cells in bone marrow. Lapacho is a blood builder which increases the hemoglobin content and the number of red corpuscles. Increased red blood cell production would improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. This, in turn, could have important implications for the health of tissues throughout the body.
Also needed for oxygen transport by red cells is iron. The bark contains a high percentage of assimilable iron. It can be taken in mass doses and combined with other medications. It can also be given to children as well. As a detoxifier, Lapacho acts upon the nervous system, to alleviate mild anxiety states. In its broad action, it puts the body in a defensive posture, giving it the energy it needs to naturally defend itself.
Lapacho is also an immensely powerful antioxidant. In fact, among the antioxidants, few have greater potency. In vitro trials show definite inhibition of free radicals and inflammatory leukotrienes by Lapacho constituents. Antioxidants, or free-radical scavengers, have emerged as premier candidates for the role of healers and disease-preventers. |
The famous William Koch, Ph.D., M.D., said that there are over 100 species of Lapacho. “The medicinally active Lapachos are napthoquinones of the ortho structure. They have very low oxidation reduction potentials.” This is the reason Lapacho may have an important effect on cellular respiration similar to that of our inimitable Cantron formulation.
As early as 1864 researchers at Bayer Laboratories isolated and identified a quinone in Lapacho, naming it lapachol. Dr. Meyer, of the National University of Tucuman, Argentina, was one of the first modern scientists on record to have studied Lapacho’s chemical composition. In the early 1960’s, Dr. Meyer isolated another one of Lapacho’s active principles and found in it a quinone which he called xlyoidin. Other effective quinones in Lapacho are betalapachone and dehydrolapachone. The bark contains at least 20 other active compounds, including quercetin and various flavonoids, whose effects are not yet known.
Another compound – Quechua – was also isolated from Lapacho. The Cancer Institute has this report in “Cancer Chemotherapy Reports” Part 2, Vol. 4, No. 4, Dec. 1974: “…Pau D’Arco (Lapacho) contains quechua, a substance found to be a powerful antibiotic with virus-killing properties.” This may explain why the Lapacho tree is the only type of vegetation known that will not permit the development of fungus. Most plant life when exposed to water and weather become covered with spores which lead to fungus formation. This doesn’t occur with Lapacho. The tree has an uncommon resistance.
Lapacho works well by itself and is synergistic with our Aveloz Herbal Extract. They make a great herbal combination. We have been making this combination available since 1980. Both Lapacho and Aveloz extracts have been an important part of our Cantron Wellness Program since 1984 – a program designed to support normal cellular respiration and eliminate damaged and unhealthy cells. |

Lapacho Quality
While there are numerous varieties of Lapacho trees in South America, only the inner lining of the tree has known value. It is this inner lining (or phloem) which carries nutrients made by the leaves to other parts of the tree and is, with the cambium layer (where all the new cells are produced) the “life” of the tree.
Not only is the inner bark is much more potent than the outer bark but it is equally important to select mature trees. Premature trees do not contain adequate quantities of the active ingredients. It takes 20 years for a Lapacho tree to become nutritionally active.
There are many companies offering inferior Lapacho. Unscrupulous suppliers have found it very profitable to grind up both the inner and worthless, bitter outer bark, and sometimes the entire tree, often without regard as to whether or not it was the correct Lapacho or a mature tree. This adulterated or even worthless material is shipped to unwary American packagers and is sold to the public as Pau d’arco, Taheebo, Ipe Roxo or Lapacho.
We have imported our Lapacho from the same reputable supplier in Brazil since 1981. Our Lapacho utilizes only the inner bark of mature red and purple flowered Lapacho trees and is an extremely high quality product.
Add 10 drops to a liquid beverage and take 3 times per day.
Dietary Supplement Use Only! This product is not intended to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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